Leonardo Da Vinci with sixteen design codes

Leonardo Da Vinci with sixteen design codes

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Leonardo Da Vinci is most famous for his work as an artist and the so-called central perspective in this visual art form. In addition, his scientific experimentation with exciting discoveries and descriptions of the future is also widely known. Besides this, he was a distinguished musician, which was an area where he gained a lot of inspiration, not least to give his writing a new dimension. In total, five thousand written pages are preserved from his hand. There are five thousand pages of visions of especially art, science and life in general. Five thousand pages that confirm Leonardo’s ingenious and super-creative mind.

Leonardo Da Vinci with sixteen design codes

In the book Learning Design in Practice for Everybody, this has been boiled down to sixteen design codes for the development of education and learning applications. But additionally, these design codes serve as an excellent foundation for all forms of projects where creativity is the driving force. This foundation also acts as a driving force for the 6iModel, a flexible modern project management model, where purpose, development and performance are the engines. Unlike traditional models, which usually tend to result in administration at the expense of creativity and innovation. Leonardo’s sixteen design codes do not just form the basis of the model. But they also serve as a guide to the reader. Because design today can be applied to almost all areas that concern life, thus basically the art of designing your own reality.


Leonardo Da Vinci with sixteen design codesLearning Design in Practice for Everybody by LG Bostrom

The book is available both as an ebook and a hardcover printed edition, click here to buy directly from the publisher or a reseller

The idea of creating the 6iModel started from 16 of da Vinci’s Design Codes that were manufactured with modern technology where also 13 years of the author’s experience of learning design were added. You can see the outcome in the third part of the book Learning Design in Practice for Everybody by LarsGoran Bostrom. And more importantly, to use the model to optimize the work process and the result of your own creative projects.